
Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment

In article <4u3avt$su3@condor.ic.net>, All locked up and nowhere to go
>The observation that the atmosphere reacts very substantially
>to a forcing function with a period of 1 year proves that the
>"long process time constant" is short even on human time scales.
>> What about the 
>>fact that this long response time can also be beneficial in 
>>that sudden disturbances may have little or no impact?
>This one sentence contains several faulty assumptions.  To
>list a few:
>1.)  It assumes the disturbance is a delta function which is
>     never repeated.  A more accurate model would be a ramp
>     function.
>2.)  It assumes that the response time is long compared to
>     the duration of the disturbance.  See above.
>3.)  It assumes that the system is linear and stable.  The
>     best data to date suggests that it is chaotic.
Listen to this chap.. He is making a lot of sense
Jim Barr         Machine Conversation, Bedfordshire England
                 Best is the enemy of good enough
                 Leaves Rustle....Blades turn..... Water moves
