
Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment

(charliew) wrote:
: I disagree here.  In October of 1991, Scientific American
: published an article that was clearly erroneous, and which
: featured an explanatory picture from the National Academy of
: Sciences explaining that oil tankers should be loaded "under
: capacity" to reduce or eliminate leaking oil during tanker
: groundings.

  If I remember this "article" correctly - it was in the Science and the
Citizen section, it stated that loading a tanker to under capacity could
limit the number and severity of accidents until double hulled tankers
could be created to take their place.

  A tanker filled under capacity will draw less less water, and is less
likely to be involved in Valdeze type tanker accidents.

(charliew) wrote:
: This material was so much in error that I wrote
: a fairly long article to the editor in which I chastised him
: for publishing such an article in a scientific magazine.

  I am happy to see that you have informed the editor of Sci-Am that you
are a flake in real life, not just here on Usenet.

"It is a trend...I am afraid to say it is because of the so-called
greenhouse gases. I think this warming will continue." -Alexander
Vassileyev, Russian Hydrometeorological Center.

