
Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment

In article <2bnLmKAOsMFyEweQ@wandana.demon.co.uk>,
   Jim Barr <JimBarr@wandana.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>This post is not in response to yours Harold But I needed 
somwhere on
>this thread......
>I think that this thread is wandering from the  original 
topic, that is
>fine but unfortunately I can no longer post to a point where 
my comments
>are appropriate, the old postings are gone.
>I find it easy to understand the views of so many posters on 
the topic
>of Human VS Nature in the context of global environmental 
>what I find hard to accept is the way so many people seem to 
>they have a monopoly on scientific truth.; and also how 
abusive some can
>be to those who do not share those beliefs.


This is a well written reply.  Many posters seem to get 
confused regarding attacking an idea and attacking the guy 
that proposed the idea.  The two are distinctly different, 
but you couldn't tell it by some of the replies.
