
Re: community gardens, city planning

I have three or four relevant experiences:
*  I was among the original folks involved with the Massachusetts Fruition
Program starting around 1980.  We got state money to buy and distribute
tree crops, mainly in urban settings. Our group (Massachusetts Food and
Agriculture Coalition) pushed the legislation through the state
legislature. Susan Redlich wrote the legislation. Some of this is
documented in back issues of our TIPSY (The International Permaculture
Solutions Journal) journal. (email for order form).  I can answer
questions once you read the TIPSY material. The TIPSYs have good articles
on urban permaculture in general.
* I ran the Natick (Massachusetts, USA) Community Farm outside Boston. We
did not have community gardens per se but it is an allied model that may
be more approrpiate in many circumstances. 
* I co-directed the Community Organic Gardening Project in Ashland and
Framingham Massachusetts, with projects similar to the Natick operation
plus community gardens.
*  I conceived, co-design and planted with friends and relatives (who are
also friends) a Food Park at Cushing State (geriatric) hospital in
Framingham, Massachusetts. This included a community garden componet   I
was not around to see how it worked out, however.
*  I was a vocational instructor in Horticulture (read Permaculture) for
the Massachusetts Prison System and instigated the establishment of
community gardens at two prisons, in additon to offering other gardening
experience and training.
This is too much to cover in a posting.  I will attempt to answer specific
questions sent via email if the questioner agrees to post the answers for
me. (I'm new to this stuff and don't find my way around very well.)
