
Growth of demand for organic produce; pesticide soaps (fwd)

Hello Sanet,

I am looking for sources of information describing the history and 
development of the organic agriculture system, especially where it is 
considered today as a major industry of suppliers and processors
 (California or 
British Columbia?). 

As well, a similar request (#1 below) has been included for the present 
and predicted demand curve of organic food for a defined area ( state(s), 
province(s), or country data are welcomed).  Please read forwarded 
request below.

thanks in advance,

Corey Bennett, Graduate Student
School of Rural Planning and Development
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 2W1


A recent aerial spraying of field workers in a local kibbutz and mounting
anxiety about the high numbers of birth defects and cancer cases among
kibbutz residents is sparking interest in the issue.  I am helping organize
some events and the following information would be most helpful for these:

1) I remember seeing graphs that chart the growing demand for ORGANIC
agricultural produce in the U.S.  Does anyone have the source for one of
these?  Charts for the European market would be similarly helpful.

2) I need information about washing vegetables to reduce pesticide
residues.  Is soap more effective than plain water?  Special types of soap,
and if so commercial sources and brandnames?  Any special soaking or other
procedure?  Quantitative information on how effective washing is for
different kinds of fruits/vegetables and pesticides?

Please reply to the list or my email, as you see fit.

Thanking you in advance.

Yaakov Garb. Ph.D

Keturah Institute of Environmental Studies
Kibutz Ketura
