
Re: references on agricultural dependence

Steve B.  I have often heard reference made to the notion that 
western countries have intentionally created dependence on the 
products of their agriculture in developing countries which were 
formerly - and presumably could still be - capable of feeding 
themselves from their own resources if we had not intervened.  
Without disputing this premise, may I ask you or others to direct me 
to evidence of the very best documented and most irrefutable example 
of where this was done?  

What I'd like is one or a few references, in reputable journals or 
books from respected publishing houses, to back up this thesis.  What 
little I've seen has been written in quite inflammatory and 
condemnatory prose - which alienates and polarizes the very people who 
should be listening - usually in left of center type books from small 
radical publishing houses or obscure social science journals.  I say 
this not in a derogatory way, but rather as a statement of fact.  
This type of literature is not usable for the audiences I typically 
address.  I need something that will at least give them grounds for 
credibility. Hope you can help me out.  Ann
Dr. E. Ann Clark
Associate Professor
Crop Science
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON  N1G 2W1
Phone:  519-824-4120 Ext. 2508
FAX:  519 763-8933