
Re: Brashears on Hanson

In article <588834$6u0_001@pm7-112.hal-pc.org>,
charliew <charliew@hal-pc.org> wrote:

>Do you suppose that fish also poop in the water supply?  Hmmm?  No Pun 
>Intended!!  :-(

Yes, and fish in an overstocked aquarium, maintained at a much higher
density than can occur in nature, with no water changes, all die.

Yet, fish populations in the ocean can maintain themselves.  The
water doesn't get *icky*.

If you can't figure out the difference between these two systems,
and extrapolate that difference to the feedlot vs. natural population
scenario, well ... tough titties.

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <donb@rational.com>
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