
Re: Ecological Economics and Entropy

On 13 Dec 1996 02:23:28 GMT, sync@inforamp.net (J McGinnis) wrote:

>dlj@inforamp.net (David Lloyd-Jones) wrote:
>>On 12 Dec 1996 19:00:33 GMT, sync@inforamp.net (J McGinnis) wrote:
>>>dlj@inforamp.net (David Lloyd-Jones) wrote:
>>>>This just isn't true.  This may seem like a small point: our
>>>>destructive potential was far greater ten years ago than it is today.
>>>Prove it.
>>>>In that decade the overall number of nuclear weapons in the world has
>>>>declined by perhaps as much as 40%. All the major powers, including
>>>>France and China, have ratified and come under the aegis of the
>>>>nuclear test ban treaty.  The Union of South Africa has given up its
>>>>nuclear weapons, and the nuclear weapons programs of Iraq, Egypt and
>>>>North Korea have been halted.
>>There is your proof.
>So... by simply snipping everything I wrote to dismiss this in the
>first place, your proof is achieved? You can do better than that. 

No.  The proof was there all along.  I was simply pointing it out to
you.  The stuff of yousr that I snipped was not even faintly relevant
to this basic point.  You simply nattered on and on denying what is
clearly and visibly true: we have less destructive potential today
than we did ten years ago, and we continue to lessen it.
