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Organic Produce Stands

               O R G A N I C   P R O D U C E   S T A N D S



     At the above web site there is a listing of Organic Produce Stands for
the benefit of the highway traveler, the drop in consumer.
     This collection of organic farms is for your use during your travels,
so you can drop in and purchase clean organic produce directly from the
Organic Producers at their produce stands.

     The number of farms I have listed is small compared to the total
number of Organic Farms in North America because this is all the
information I have at this time. If you know of an Organic Farm that should
be listed, feel free to eMail its information to me at: donald@mich.com

     But, the farm must be an Organic Farm - that is it must be a producer
of toxic free produce.
     And, it must sell for the benefit of the drop in consumer - sell via
one or more locations such as a Farm Stand or a Stand away from the farm or
a Stand at a Farmers' Market.

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