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CSAS Publishes Volume 10

To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
From: Pam Murray <csas001@unlvm.unl.edu>
Subject: CSAS Publishes Volume 10

	"Small Farming Systems for the Midwest and Reintegrating Agriculture
Community in the Midwest" is the tenth in the green volume series, Extension
and Education Materials for Sustainable Agriculture, published by the Center
for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (CSAS). The 166-page volume, edited by
Richard Olson (CSAS) and Lisa Bauer (NCR-SARE), contains the proceedings of
a seminar series held fall 1998 and spring 1999 at the University of

	The seminar series was designed to showcase farmers and other
in the food system who are successfully pursuing local, equitable, and
sustainable strategies. The credibility of these alternatives comes from
their successful implementation in the real world. They are not simply some
academic theory - they work. Abstracts of the seminars and the seminar
schedule can be found at http://ianrwww.unl.edu/ianr/csas/majorsem.htm.

	The fall 1998 series titled "Small Farming Systems for the Midwest"
examined alternative farming systems that are able to remain economically
viable without becoming large. Farmers from five states described successful
systems including market gardens, agroforestry, diversified crop/livestock,
and even a winery - perhaps the ultimate on-farm value-added enterprise.

	The spring 1999 series, "Reintegrating Agriculture and Community in
Midwest," explored approaches to providing a more supportive environment for
small farms through the relocalization of agriculture and the development of
stronger ties between agriculture
and the community. A successful local food system has to be a partnership
between urban and rural, producer and consumer. Community Supported
Agriculture, farmers' markets, urban gardens, and other mechanisms for
developing partnerships are described by those who have worked with them.
Other topics include strategies for preserving farmland from urban sprawl,
and legal issues in direct farm marketing.

	Volume 10 contains a total of 22 papers. Chapter contents of Volume
10 as
well as information on other publications of the CSAS can be found at
	To order, send a check payable to the University of Nebraska for
$10.00 US
(note that it is for Volume 10) to: Center for Sustainable Agricultural
Systems, University of Nebraska, PO Box 830949, Lincoln NE 68583-0949.
(Price includes s&h in US; for air book rate to Canada, add $5; air rate to
other countries, check with the CSAS office - this applies to all volumes in
the series.) Orders will be shipped out after July 5. For questions, contact
Pam Murray at the CSAS office, 402-472-2056, pmurray1@unl.edu.

	Note: Thanks to support from the NCR SARE office, all seminars are
available on videotape, which can be rented ($5) or purchased ($10) from our
Communications and Information Technology office, 402-472-3035.

Pam Murray, Coordinator
Center for Grassland Studies and
Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
PO Box 830949
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68583-0949
phone: 402-472-9383
fax:   402-472-4104
e-mail: csas001@unlvm.unl.edu

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