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[webgroup] Re: Search engine update?

|On my pages I link to the infoseek thingy (this one:
|Now I've restructured a bit two months ago (moved some olde works to a new
|directory). The search still points to their old location. 
|How often is the search engine database updated?


  We've just about given up on the InfoSeek Search Engine... it only
indexed part of our site because we hit the license ceiling -- when it
wasn't crashing.

  I've been toying with ht://dig (http://www.htdig.org) and am quite
pleased with the test site, http://mahuika.metalab.unc.edu/search.html

  I have it installed on search.metalab.unc.edu and am waiting for it
to finish indexing.  For a time, both the current search engine and
ht://dig will be available.  ht://dig will be indexed weekly and is
easily customizable to search only a subset
(http://metalab.unc.edu/herbmed/, for example).

  I'll send out an announcement some time this week, if not this


                                 Student System Administrator
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