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Home page for Cameron Laird

Lawrence F. London, Jr. -|- Venaura Farm
InterGarden -|- http://metalab.unc.edu/london
lflondon@worldnet.att.net -|- london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: Home page for Cameron Laird

Home page for Cameron Laird

This is a work in progress. As Jim Jewett expresses it, regard this as an annotated hot-list. That's certainly its purpose to me.

On-line reading

Surely someone has defined a reading room with all these entry points; however, I haven't been able to find it yet, and it seems easier just to be inclusive. I'd prefer that someone else take over the burden of maintaining this nexus. Until then, though ...


There are many interesting references works on and about the Net.


The best writing-available-online for my money (or, to make the figure of speech more accurate, my time) are straightforward "ports" of periodicals that started in print: the Bulletin and Notices of the AMS, and Joe-Bob Brigg's columns. Other current favorite periodicals are SunWorld Online, InfoWorld, WebReview, Feed, CCM, Successful Farming, Object Currents, Science, Netday, ... Friends and acquaintances have recommended Boardwatch and ?.


Columbus Dispatch

Dow Jones News/Retrieval (fee-based ...)

Electronic Newsstand

French Embassy Press Review via the home gopher hole.

Kommunal Rapport

Norfolk Virginian-Pilot [contact: borrell@infi.net]

Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa Hill Times, and Ottawa X Press (log in as "guest")

Palo Alto Weekly

Raleigh News & Observer

USA Today (available only to registered Cleveland Freenetters

Scholarly and trade journals

Electronic journals







Hebdomaire Chroniques de Cybirie

SunWorld Online


IBIC home page.

UoM's electronic text archive.

Online Book Initiative

Bible Gateway

Human Languages Page.

De Proverbio

Travels with Samantha.

This collection of Marx' and Engels' writing ought to show up in the obvious on-line indexes, but I haven't been able to find it through OBI, Yahoo, ... (more on Marx is available elsewhere, incidentally).

Words, Wit, and Wisdom

The home page for Robert Burns.


Online Bookstore.


Historical perspectives

I strongly recommend John Lienhard's The Engines of our Ingenuity and the equally scholarly Valley of the Shadow. With more modest means, Bridget E. Smith's Historical Gazette affords similar satisfactions.

Net-ly wise

David Sewell and Daniel Dern are top-notch. Angela's World is hipper than mine, but I enjoy checking in.

Quotes from the Net

I'm still reading what Michele Tepper has put together.

Jorn Barger recently came up with yet another interesting perspective on Netnews, which gives whole new flavors of fun to reading it.


It certainly doesn't take me believing in 'em (but, incidentally, Viva Dick Gregory! and Remember Nugnet Hand!) for them to be true. Decide, for example, whether business is as usual for the CIA.


I'm slowly joining the generation that thinks of web-surfing as something more than a textual experience. It pleases me, for example, to see Bennett Battaile's recognition.

Academic disciplines

One question that comes up over and over is how to cite on-line texts.


I subscribe to NeoSoft, of Houston, Texas, for my on-line access. Reach me as claird@NeoSoft.com.

I founded sci.anthropology, the on-line index to newsgroup archives, and the Houston WWW Business Guide. I'm supposed to edit RESECON's reviews, but I've shirked that so far, despite R. M. Porter's great leadership. Other recurring interests include domestication; innovation (I run a low-volume mailing list on the topic); comp.software.interoperable, comp.lang.advocacy, comp.software-eng.reviews, ... [explain this someday]; mathematics (this is natural, as I am constitutionally a mathematician); net culture; ...

Employment, most recently with Gensym Corporation, as a professional programmer has occupied most of my last two decades. I've also demonstrated competence in farm work and radio broadcasting, with shorter stints as a tree trimmer, construction worker, college tutor, parent, market gardener, ... After years and years of struggle, my partner has made me to understand that my preferences sometimes are as interesting as my competences. This challenges my comfort; perhaps I'll elaborate on the theme in a few more months.

other ...

My brother, among others, "holds down the fort" in bucolic northwest Indiana, where I lived almost all my life before the '90s. The exceptions were (too) brief periods in Mexico and northern Norway. More recently, I've worked on the Cote (provencal) d'Azur and the Texas Gulf Coast.

Net.work on my mind just now: I'm trying to decide whether a "manifesto" I posted on professionalism in anthropology merits expansion to publication on paper. Also, I'm sketching an FAQ for sci.anthropology, writing an analytic taxonomy of net.services, and trying to understand what development environments are propitious for programming multi-lingually.

I'm trying to decide if I want to subscribe to ISDN at home. Until SWBT adjusts its tariffs, the answer'll be "no".


Missouri Biological Garden

Oxford Forestry Institute.


Computer science

I have collected information about many computer languages. I have a long-term infatuation with asynchronous logic, but no particular expertise in it. I am, however, an accomplished software engineer.

Luzeaux-iana include theoretical papers on rule systems, ergodicity, ...

DEC's research center has good people working on a variety of projects; of particular interest to me are Luca Cardelli's analyses.

Alf-Christian Achilles has collected many bibliographies on topics in computer science.


I'm currently working through the exercises in Mac Lane's Categories ....

Functional analysis


Prediction and control theories

Proof techniques


Why wavelets? They Perhaps Gilbert Strang will someday convince us all that wavelets are fundamentally algebraic [give refs]. ... Explain more.

Online resources

The AMS has a WWW page, although my encounters with it suggest it's still a bit fragile. I find that the best place to begin searching resources is at NIST's GAMS project. Sometimes I've had trouble bouncing from there to NETLIB, though ...

"Boundary math" is a project of Jeff James.

Earliest Known Uses of Symbols


Jack Campin's Food Intolerance Resources

The McCarrison Society Scottish Group

Home page for Cameron Laird/claird@NeoSoft.com