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We at AgricultureLaw.com invite you to review all the new and improved
features at our web site.  We are now getting about twice as many daily
hits as we were a couple of months ago, but if you haven't visited lately,
we'd like to welcome you back.  

Congress is conducting a high-stakes debate over how much additional relief
to give farmers this year.  The chairman and ranking Democrat on the Senate
Agriculture Committee strongly disagree about what's needed, and we've
given each of their views equal time.  Our readers can not only read about
what these influential Senators are saying, they have direct access to the
letters and statements the Senators themselves have published.

But we're more than a source of timely documents.  Under "HOT TOPICS" we
have a wealth of information about different farm income assistance
proposals – plus our own analysis of the farm income situation and our
informed judgment about what Congress may do.  (Click on "Emergency Farm
Relief: What's Ahead?")

Since launching our site in late March, we have added hundreds of links and
beefed up the quality and scope of information.  Our popular "Ag Headlines"
section is now available by around 8 a.m. EDT each day, allowing you to
start your business day with up-to-the-minute news.

Finally, we'd like you to be part of our site – not just passively but
actively.  Do you have a point of view on the current problems in the farm
sector?  Have an opinion on what ought to be done?  Write your views for
our Guest Commentator section – we'll post them and invite replies.

See you online!


						Richard Pasco 
						General Manager