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Friday URLs: sustag and ag list servers

Misha wrote:

> Memory tells me there is a fabulous collection of links and lists by 
> someone in Cortland, NY, with categories of sustainable and 
> alternative ag--Craig, are you there? Do you know what/who I mean? 

I'm guessing that it's the Digital Librarian maintained by Margaret Vail
Anderson, a librarian here in Cortland, N.Y.   She has a ton of links there,
and a ton of ag links.  It's worth checking out:


> And lastly but not leastly:
> Sustainable Farming Connection Coffee Shop 
> http://metalab.unc.edu/farming-connection/forums.html
> You didn't know Craig was into Java, eh??? :^)

Actually, other than a little cut & paste and trial and error, I'm not. 
Glancing at that page, I can't vouch that it's very up to date.  But there are
some links there to other lists of ag discussion groups.  There are also some
discussion groups there that I found useful maybe two years ago.  Some I still
read.  Others I don't.

Here are some others that I don't think have been mentioned yet. (Sorry I
didn't save all the subscribe info.  I'll at least try to supply some contact

*SAED-SHARE-L@cornell.edu  -- Not much in the way of nuts and bolts farming
stuff.  But this is a great list for folks interested in approaches to
sustainable ag education.  Contact Nancy Grudens-Schuck at ng13@cornell.edu. 
(Give her some time.  She's moving from Cornell to Iowa State about now.)

*graze-l@taranaki.ac.nz -- This one has been mentioned, hasn't it?  It was
Misha's baby.  It was pioneering.  And it worked.

*graze-r -- This is one you may not be aware of.  It's another grazing
discussion group that broke off from graze-l.  Go to
http://www.onelist.com/ and
search for "grazing."  It's pretty much all farmers and though the discussion
strays from the subject a little there is some excellent information flowing
here, upwards of 15 to 25 messages a day the past few weeks.  I guess grazier
do have more time on their hands than other dairy farmers.

Which brings me to a wonderful point.  I had bad experiences a couple years ago
trying to use some of these free online discussion group services.  They
weren't very stable.  But they've got the bugs out of them now, so just about
anyone can start their own discussion group on any topic that they please.  

*There is also a pastured poultry discussion group at onelist.com.  Make sure
you join PasturePoultry  and not ppoultry.  (The former is active, the latter
is pretty much dead.)

*There are three USDA lists that are at least of parallel interest:  


It would be great to have a "more sustainable" presence on these, not that
there isn't any now.

There are a few others that are more focused just on food issues in the
Northeast that I can probably track down info on.  I'd bet there are similar
ones in other regions.

Then if you want to get into issue oriented lists, I know there's one on
biotechnology that comes out of Cornell, and I'm sure that there are others on
just about any ag topic you care to name.  

The interactive features of the Internet have really blossomed in the last
year.  Don't let all this information flying around keep you from your chores. 
But if it's interaction you want on a topic near and dear to you, you can
either find a discussion about it or create your own.

Kirsten:  I'm sure all of us would love to see what you pull together on this. 
Will you post a page at the AFSIC website?  If that's a hassle just send me the
information and I'll add it to the Coffeeshop page at Sustainable Farming


Craig Cramer

1,000 Ways to Sustainable Farming

Sustainable Farming Connection

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