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Re: Semiological Issues of Permaculture

Question to the seasoned folks: Do you think the "USGS-NPS Vegetation
Mapping Program"  concept of 'alliances' are similar in any useful way to
permaculture's notion of 'guilds'? (reference

http://www.hbrook.sr.unh.edu/data/data.htm as an example of Use Case Map

      (@@)            johnAbdon  jabdon@hotmail.com

----- Original Message -----
From: John Abdon <jabdon@hotmail.com>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Cc: dave@reststop.com <dave@reststop.net>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 1999 2:43 PM
Subject: Semiological Issues of Permaculture

> To Sam, Joe, and Doug on the Marsh above Deer Harbor:
> Permacultural Virtual Worlds Project: Interim Report #1
> When we last discussed the computational aspects/potentials of
> (Winter of 1995, Marsh above Deer Harbor), you were headed back to Siberia
> to gather genetic plant resources, and I was headed back to CyberSpace to
> gather genetic virtual resources.
> http://www.permaculture.org.au/future.shtml Under 'Interactive Data Base
> Information Systems' the problem remains the same: "While there are
> currently hundreds of thousands of hits on a "permaculture" search on the
> web, there is no site which truly represents the international
> community or stores interactive data bases on permaculture topics like
> species lists, technical designs, bio-geographic data, etc. PRI believes
> such an information system would be extremely beneficial to permaculture
> projects throughout the Third World where access to publications is
> limited."
> Many are busy developing the web-centric, graphics enabling tools that are
> necessary to fulfill the variously similar visions of a true permacultural
> virtual world (e.g.
> http://bombay.npac.syr.edu/fms/petdoc/vrml98/paper.html). The Hypertext
> Markup Language (HTTP) has been enabled to efficiently transport
> small, well formed data packages with the W3's Extended Markup Language
> (XML). The 'Workshop on Object Orientation and VRML' is a prime example of
> interdisciplinary, cyberspace directed collaboration,
> http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/~diehl/workshop/proc.html,
> http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/~diehl/workshop/vrml98.htm , and, one I know you
> will enjoy, http://www.idisys.iae.nsk.su/.(also check out
> http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/siberia/index.html).
> At the time we spoke the tools necessary to construct an interactive
> computer interface were non-existent. All that has changed and we are
> nearing the time when the data-rich communities will be able to open their
> doors of perception.
> But a very large project remains. Permaculture is premised on the belief
> that:
> 1. Guilds of practical value to the designer can be enumerated
> 2. The members of any given guild can be enumerated
> 3. the interdependency of the members of a guild can be enumerated
> And so permaculture's 'Virtual Project to Map Guild Member Relationships'
> needs to be organized. In the mean time, I will continue my work in
> Belief Networks, non-linear dynamics, OLAP (online analytical processing),
> XML persistence, and trans-domain information migration.
> Until then, I am ever indebted,
>     `\\\\\\\\|||/
>       (@@)            johnAbdon  jabdon@hotmail.com
> ooO_(_)_Ooo___________________________________
> _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_

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