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Re: Avery v. Salatin is online

I have not read the entire Salatin/Avery feud but I think we need to give
credit to anyone who can even get a word in edge wise with Dennis Avery. 
He is one of the best heavy hitters that the industrialised food supply has
to offer.  I've got a feeling he is as sharp as they get about avoiding the
real issues in agriculture.  My hat goes off to Joel Salatin.  I've been in
some Farm Bureau Discussion meets and went up against some "Avery" types. 
It is extremely difficult to keep a conversation aimed at true family farm
struggles and rural community issues.  
Best wishes,
Greg Gunthorp
Free Range Hog Farmer
LaGrange, IN
Visit our farm on the web at www.grassfarmer
Visit it in reality on August 21st for our annual field day. (Free Hog

> From: Webb, Kevin <WebbK@missouri.edu>
> To: 'sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu'
> Subject: RE: Avery v. Salatin is online
> Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 7:16 PM
> It seems the curse to anyone trying to explain sustainability is that
> are forced to try and explain it within the understanding/world view that
> sustainability is seeking to supplant; I never know where to start when
> talking to someone who is new to the subject. Sustainability does not
> itself to sound bites or bar graphs, nor should it try in my opinion. Yet
> a society seemingly ruled by the information age we are most often forced
> do just that.
> I'm afraid that Jane and John Q. Public might have found Avery more
> convincing, at least in reading he seemed more polished than Salatin to
> maybe I'm just being cynical in thinking that people are more swayed by
> sweet talking. Considering Avery seemed to deliberately misquote the Soil
> and Water Conservation Society of America, I find myself tempted to see
> as some shadowy figure wrapped up in a grand conspiracy to destroy
> organic/sustainable ag. I definitely question his motives even more than
> before.
> Still the question to me remains: how do we as members of the sustainable
> community educate the public at large in a way that is complete yet
> (Not to mention non-judgemental yet inspirational, informed but open to
> input, etc.)We must make the issue real to people who think little or
> nothing about agriculture in their daily lives.
> Kevin Webb
> Food Circles Networking Project
> Department of Rural Sociology
> University of Missouri-Columbia
> 105 Sociology
> Columbia, MO  65211
> (573) 882-3776
> [573] 882=1473 (fax)
> webbk@missouri.edu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Hook [mailto:guldann@ix.netcom.com]
> Sent: Sunday, August 08, 1999 8:18 AM
> To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
> Subject: Re: Avery v. Salatin is online
> Thank-you to all involved for getting this on the web.  I know my
> procrastinating personality would never have aloud me to send away for
> pages :).  I enjoyed reading it.  I understand the host's comments that
> didn't even get to ask but a few of his questions.  My question to the
> group, what did you think?  What do you think John and Jane Q. Public
> have thought.  Frankly I thought it was mostly neutral with maybe Salatin
> sounding more knowledgeable.  He really farms Avery spewed facts.  Group?
> Beth
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