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Dear Friends,

In my search for info regarding pesticide/GE trespass, I stumbled onto a
website, www.agriculturelaw.com and found organic farming resources
glaringly absent from the site (the nerve!) There were, however, at the
Guest Commentary link, a number of Dennis Avery submissions.

I emailed the site manager, asking where I might find information on the
National Standards (we'll get to chemical/GE trespass later) and he
suggested a guest commentary submission. Was hoping this might be the
perfect soapbox for one of the more eloquent Sanetters...and perhaps even an
opportunity to dispute some Avery mis-information, offer guidance to those
who might consider conversion, etc. This is a mainstream, conventional site,
and needs a good stiff dose of alternative, sustainable, and/or organic ag!

Thanks, in advance, for your submissions,


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