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Re:IFOAM; Organics and competent leadership -Reply

hello, ronald

>In Mexico, we have certainly had our share of European colonialist 
>attitudes in organics, especially as we try to create a Mexican 
>national certification system and stop having to pay foreign 
>inspectors $300-$800 per day.

you might be interested in a mail from sci.agriculture:

Subject: Soil Association Report
From: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 22:08:06 +0100

The Soil Association  (in the UK) has produced a report "The
Threat to the Organic Meat Market from Increased Inspection
Charges" written by Robert Kennard and Richard Young.

These two have done sterling work and the report absolutely
shreds the Meat Hygiene Service, the Government in general and
MAFF in particular. I must admit that this one report is good
enough to get me to forgive the Soil Association for it's
occassional "Holier than thou" attitude. I got my copy by
telephoning 0117 929 0661.  The fax number given is 0117 925 2504
and it even has an email address given as
info@soilassociation.org This is the sort of document you want to
read and then stand over your MP while he/she/it reads it and

sorry, no further information....


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