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LifeSaviors Homepage Address

Please Check out the LifeSaviors Homepage:
LifeSaviors-- preserving wildlife habitat, supporting activists,
restructuring economics, defending endangered species, voting
block, founding Intentional Community, etc.

LifeSaviors Homepage Address (URL) 

Or in plain english, on the World Wide Web (WWW), on internet service
provider Eugene Free Network (EFN),an ORGanization (ORG),
in the member directory assigned to user Lion Kuntz (/~lkuntz)
is the file index.html where the page starts being displayed. 

This system is "case sensitive": that is filenames TEST, test,
TeSt, and TEst are all different and the spelling must be exact
for each page requested. You do not have to specify "index.com",
as it is assumed. I only use lowercase. NO CAPITAL LETTERS!!! 

Other pages (accessable through homepage links) online are: 

http://www.efn.org/~lkuntz/intro1.html is the introduction to
"Ecological Synergy Nuts & Bolts Page" - ideas for organic,
sustainable argriculture. 

http://www.efn.org/~lkuntz/institut.html is the document
describing Morningstar Institute of Ecological Synergy. 
The Institute is to teach, archive, database, test, certify,
and hold patents for licencing Ecological Synergy.

http://www.efn.org/~lkuntz/links1.html is a page of links to the
extinction disaster self-educational resources. 

Email me at: 

LionKuntz@Yahoo.com or LKuntz@efn.org or "cc:" both.