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Re: [Fwd: N&O article on hog farm regs (fwd)]


There is an Animal and Poultry Waste Management Center at NCSU.  (In fact our
research was funded in part by them.)  They also have a website


My knowledge of systems is limited.  I feel that better use of swine and poultry
manures can be accomplished through the composting and applying to fields in
that manner.  (Less runoff, better plant disease control, less likelihood of
mammalian pathogens, plus it smells better!)

Russ Bulluck
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Plant Pathology
North Carolina State University
PO Box 7616
Raleigh, NC  27695-7616


The soil population is so complex that it manifestly cannot
be dealt with as a whole with any detail by any one person,
and at the same time it plays so important a part in the soil
economy that it must be studied.
--Sir E. John Russell
The Micro-organisms of the Soil, 1923