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chickens,hen coops,bantams,poultrys,banties,bantys,fowls,hen houses

Lawrence F. London, Jr.  Venaura Farm
/permaculture /intergarden/orgfarm /ecolandtech
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: chickens,hen coops,bantams,poultrys,banties,bantys,fowls,hen houses

Poultry Houses

The Romney Range

This range of arks is an evolutionary development of our Forsham 600's series. ( Thanks to Mr and Mrs Paul Kemp of Forsham Middle England at Tembury Wells who's idea this was). This range falls between two stools. They are the same basic unit as the Forshams but incorporating the Penshurst's covered run end for bird and feed protection and the door in the run to aid when catching. Making a more user and hen friendly ark. The units all have access to the front and side of the run area plus a door to the rear of the house the 305 & 306 also have side doors into the house. Removable perching also enables easier cleaning. arks.

Romney Options.

SCRATCH MAT Sheet of 2"x 2" mesh that goes on the ground in the run area to stop digging in and out.
DRAUGHT BOARD To shield the birds from strong winds a shutter can be fitted to one side of the run wire.
WHEELS To help move the ark RYE RUN It is possible to use the Rye Run combinations with some this range the run would require a "Docking Gable at the wire end but the other end could house any gable . See the Rye Run section for more information.


The smallest Romney is ideally suited to being a broody Ark giving shelter to hen and chicks. The 302b can be used as permanent fold for a very small bantam trio or a rabbit shelter.
Romney 302b 302b Options Scratch Mat, Draught Board.


The ideal birds for this ark would be a bantam trio although a pair of medium size hens could use it.
Romney 303 303 Options Scratch Mat, Draught Board,Wheels. Rye run.


House five standard hens or bantams.
Romney 305 305 Options Scratch Mat, Draught Board, Wheels. Rye Run.


Romney 306
The biggest ark in the range having the head room for a cockerel and would house him with a trio of ladies. The 306 could be used for up to 5 or 6 laying hens.
306 Options Scratch Mat, Draught Board, Wheels. Rye Run.

The Penshurst Range

The Penshurst is a new range of housing that has one major advantage over the other units we build, in that it has draft walls which afford the hens protection from the side winds. There is also a covered area at the front of the run for further bird protection and to keep their feed dry . A door in the side of the run helps when catching.

All the triangle walls are fully removable including the central the pophole wall. There is a nest access hatch (except the 302) set into the back door for egg collection. Which does restrict the chances of a bird doing a "runner" when your trying to collect eggs. The nest and perching also dismantle to aid when cleaning. The nest does have night shutters but I must be honest because the shutters are so low they are awkward to operate.

Penshurst Options

SCRATCH MAT Sheet of 2"x 2" mesh that goes on the ground in the run area to stop digging in and out.
WHEELS To help move the ark.


Penshurst 402 There isn't an egg collection door in this unit as its prime purpose is as a broody unit or pet pen. I am told that the 402 is ideal for quail but I have never kept quail and would have to guided by more time served keepers. It would house a small Bantam Trio.
Penhurst 402 402 Options Scratch Mat.


Penhurst 404
The 404 will house 4 to 5 medium size hens or a medium sized cockerel with a pair of hens.
404 Options Scratch Mat., Wheels.


The 405 is suited for a large cockerel with 3 to 4 hens, you could use it for half a dozen hens but I am of the opinion that the 405 would be under utilised.
405 Options Scratch Mat., Wheels. The 405 is heavy. You should seriously consider the wheel option with this unit or a course of steroids is your other option. It goes to demonstrate the state of my mind as I write this I have visions of a sombre Trevor Macdonald telling the nation that "Harry Allmouth", of the Harrogate Athletic Foot and Varooca Club, has brought shame on the nation by producing a positive drugs test at the Chernobyl Olympics. Where he was representing the UK in the Move The Ark 200 meters down the garden over the compost heap, Steeple Chase competition. Apparently they found traces of Jaffa Cake which Allmouth insists he was only inhaling and then for medicinal purposes He is quoted as saying that it had a combination effect when used with the Vick Vapour Rub he was self administering to ease his mouth ulcers..
I worry about me sometimes.
I know my wife does.

The Lenham Range

This range of housing has been designed to ease many of the more tedious tasks that accompany fowl keeping such as cleaning. It also incorporates features that have evolved through many years of bird keeping where you learn the shortcomings of ill conceived poultry housing the hard way. All of the Lenham range have removable nest boxes and side walls, removable perching, full length ridge ventilation, and carrying handles. The internal arrangements are made to keep cleaning as easy as possible. The external access nest box bank and the wall opposite lift away from and house and so , in a few moments the house is open right through for maximum access. The removable perching has been arranged in two banks either side of the central pop hole door and are angled to rise away from the door. This encourages the early roosting birds to occupy the highest perches and, therefore, the furthest from the door so avoiding congestion - even the birds at the bottom end of the pecking order get a perch. The walled corridor between the perch banks may be drawn out through the pop hole door, with the perches and corridor fitted the hens cannot get under the perching, so are barred access to accumulated night droppings. An old feeding bag left under the perching is a simple aid to cleaning. The central corridor has another advantage in being the only part of the ark floor the birds can walk on before mounting a perch, so takes the brunt of any soiling brought into the house by the hens. Because it can be removed, the normally tedious task of scraping dried compact soiling becomes much easier. My mother-in-law, to good effect, ties the perching and corridor together and soaks them in the duck pond while she sees to the rest of the ark. Another pet hate I have is birds using the nest boxes as sleeping quarters, or they perch on the edge of the boxes, soiling the nesting litter which results in dirty and, in my opinion, unappetising eggs. So we have incorporated night shutters which when in place, stop occupation of the nests, keeping fowling to a minimum.

Lenham Options
ACCLIMATISING WALL A weld mesh door which is fitted behind the removable wall which, although is removable for cleaning, would normally stay fitted. When you wish to harden off young birds you simply remove the wall to reveal the weld mesh and your stock stays in the ark. The side wall goes back over the wire at night so at no time do quick agile chicks get a chance to "make a break for it".
SECOND POPHOLE DOOR This would go opposite the existing door. The need of this becomes apparent if the run is divided in two. The bird would be released into the run you have designated. If you have a large single run, the door is still useful in so much as you can control the mud paddling at the entrance by making the birds use the back door.
RAMP A large ramp stops mud paddling at the entrance and of course, helps small stock into the ark.
RYE RUN It is possible to use the Rye Run combinations with this range the run would require a "Docking Gable at the wire end but the other end could house any gable . The 503 can have the run screwed to the house to form a single unit. This is not possible on the 504 & 505 Lenhams. See the Rye Run section for more information.


Lenham 503 Smallest but none the less affective the Lenham 503 will facilitate 6 laying birds, or 3 large fowl hens with cockerel.
503 Options Acclimatising Wall, Second Pophole. Ramp. Rye Run.


Lenham 504 The Lenham 504 will house 12 Laying Hens or 6 large fowl with a cockerel.
504 Options Acclimatising Wall, Second Pophole. Ramp. Rye Run.


Lenham 505
This house will accommodate up to 24 standard laying hens. It has been surveyed and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and complies with the regulations on the keeping of FREE RANGE birds and selling their eggs as such. The 505 will also accommodated up to 12 larger fowl and a cockerel.
Lenham 505 505 Options Acclimatising Wall, Second Pophole. Ramp. Rye Run.

The Forsham Range

A comprehensive range of arks, having the traditional format of house and run in line. Ideally suited to short in leg birds like Pekins that do not like to climb. All the arks in this range have front access into the run area, large rear doors into the house The 605 and 606 also have side doors into the housing area. All have externally operated pop hole doors and, of course, carrying handles.

Forsham Options.

SCRATCH MAT Sheet of 2"x 2" mesh that goes on the ground in the run area to stop digging in and out.
DRAUGHT BOARD To shield the birds from strong winds a shutter can be fitted to one side of the run wire.
WHEELS To help move the ark.
RYE RUN It is possible to use the Rye Run combinations with some this range the run would require a "Docking Gable at the wire end but the other end could house any gable . See the Rye Run section for more information


Forsham 602A This broody ark gives a sitting hen a secure haven during incubation and a safe run area during the first few weeks of life for the chicks. With this ark the hen can scratch and show her brood how to feed without fear of magpie or crow.Also make a good lawn run for a Rabbit.
Forsham 602a 602A Options Scratch Mat. Draught Board.


The 602B has the same obvious advantages as the 602A but is longer. It also has a nesting area and perch take making this ark dual purpose, as a broody ark or a permanent ark for very small bantams. May be used as rabbit housing or as an isolation unit for birds that may need separating from the flock.
Forsham 602b 602B Options Scratch Mat. Draught Board.


Forsham 603 Designed for a bantam trio where segregation to maintain purity of breed is essential. Removable perching and nest box partitioning are standard features of this ark and contribute to ease of maintenance and usage.
Forsham 603 603 Options Scratch Mat. Wheels. Rye Run. Draught Board.


For up to 5 medium sized hens or bantams, the 605 has the advantage of an extra side door into the house.
Forsham 605 605 Options Scratch Mat. Wheels. Rye Run. Draught Board.


The largest ark in the Forsham range, the 606 has the extra head room required when confining a cockerel. The 606 will house 6 to 7 medium sized birds or a large fowl trio. And the advantage of an extra side door into the house.
Forsham 606 606 Options Scratch Mat. Wheels. Rye Run. Draught Board.

The Rye Run

A multi options run with multi option usage. The Rye Run options give you the chance to customise a run to suit your particular requirements. The wall and roof format is standard, the customising is achieved by selecting one of the gable end options. The Rye Run ideally should be used as a stand alone run unit in conjunction with our 801.802.803. 503*.504.505. night arks. It may also be used to extended the runs on the 303.305 306. 603,605.606. The Rye will make a secure pet run and if a personal door gable is used the children could use it as a well.

*It is possible to permanently fit the run to the 503 and use a single gable at the run end. This is not possible with any other of the Lenham Range.
The Rye Run

Rye Options

SCRATCH MAT Sheet of 2"x 2" mesh that goes on the ground in the run area to stop digging in and out.
DRAFT SKIRTING BOARD A 300mm high removable skirting board to cut out ground drafts.
WHEELS To help move the ark.


No matter what purpose you require the run for, the walls and roof sections are the same. The set has a one third boarded section to give all round cover. The remaining being wired and with a wired door in one roof section. The various run usage options are derived by the permutation of end gables you build into the Rye.


No doors so is used to block one or both ends of the run with the access via the roof door.


Allows the run to be docked with the Bedgebury, Lenham , Romney , or Forsham Arks as listed above. Has a combined internal ramp which doubles as a door.


Gives the access required by larger water fowl and would give limited "person" access as well, which would allow children access to their pets. The desirability of that would be for you to decide.


Has a pophole built in to allow the birds to free range from the Run.

The Boughton Range

The Boughton 902A with wheel option
Lift Up Your Ark and Walk When building large framed arks it became apparent that the amount of room within the structure was not being fully utilised. By simply putting the house above the run the resulting arks make more efficient use of the area provided for the number of birds housed. The Boughton cover less ground space than arks of more traditional format and has the added advantage of a covered run, which gives both the hens and costly feed a degree of weather protection. This layout also satisfies the birds' natural instincts by allowing them to go up at night to roost. The Boughtons are specifically designed for bantams and medium sized birds, it is not thought suitable for large fowl. All of the range have full length side doors, access to the runs, at both ends, removable perching and a hinged ladder which may be drawn up to secure the birds at night. The nesting boxes are located at the end of the ark and have their own external egg collecting doors. To stop undesirable night occupation of the nests we have incorporated night shutters, which keeps nest fowling to a minimum and cuts down on egg cleaning time. All have stout carrying handles.

Boughton Options

SCRATCH MAT Sheet of 2"x 2" mesh that goes on the ground in the run area to stop digging in and out.
DRAUGHT BOARD To shield the birds from strong winds a shutter can be fitted to one side of the run wire.
WHEELS To help move the ark.
EXTENSION RUN Gives additional run area Can also be used as a self contained run unit, convenient when re-treating or cleaning. Has a ground area the same as the 903.
DIVIDER KIT A set of doors for 904 only. when in place creates two independent arks and can be easily removed to revert back to a standard unit.


Boughton 902
Boughton 902 Housing for up to 5 medium birds, has nest box at one end only.
902 Options Wheels. Extension Run. Scratch Mat, Draught Boards.


Boughton 902a The Boughton 902A housing for six to seven hens an ideal first time keeper unit. This is the ark that we supplied to Channel 4's The Big Breakfast Show when the fox got into their old house and killed their hens. The 902 A has one nest box.
902A Options Wheels. Extension Run. Scratch Mat, Draught Boards.


Boughton 903 Nesting boxes at both ends, accommodates up to 10 hens.
903 Options Wheels. Extension Run. Scratch Mat, Draught Boards.


Boughton 904

Boughton 904 Housing 15 birds, nesting boxes at both ends, also two hinged ladders to ease congestion at roosting time.
904 Options Wheels. Extension Run. Scratch Mat, Draught Boards. Divider Kit.


Orpington 1006 Poultry House
The Orpington Poultry House

We have brought together many features from two of our best arks. In this design we have incorporated the covered run and the "no bending to clean" concept of the Boughton Range, and the removable nest boxes with night shutters and easy clean features of the Lenham Range. The resulting ark has a versatility all of its own. As the name suggests, its prime function is as a secure unit for housing large fowl birds, but the features enable the house to be used as a more intensive hen pen for the purpose of the producing eggs in the garden. The birds are well sheltered from rain, wind and sun. The area under the house where the birds will dust bath has its own door to enable you to check feed and water without going into the run. When it comes to cleaning, the ark really comes into its own. Firstly, the birds are shut out of the house, then you are able to remove the nest box bank and open opposite door . This opens the ark right through. The area beneath the removable perching is inaccessible to the hens. Night droppings lay, uncompacted on a previously placed paper sack which is simply removed and replaced when necessary. Just inside the pop hole door, where the really compacted soiling occurs, is both fully accessible and just below waist level, so the simple use of "pooh" scraper soon has it clean.
1006 Options Extension Run, Drip Liner Set Carrying Handle Set, Draft Skirting Board Set. Full Weather Shields. Second Nest Box and Perching Bank.

Price List, Poultry

Forsham Cottage Arks, registered trade mark® Registered Trade Mark of Robert Joseph Pellett, 18 March 1994, © Robert Joseph Pellett, All Rights Reserved.