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An opportunity to do something about chlorpyrifos

A snippet sent to me from an email message sent by a friend whose son has multiple chemical sensitivity after an exposure to Dursban in his school:
"To Those who have been poisoned with Dursban or another op
and others
who want to submit comments on the regulation of

This is our first opportunity to make a comment on the
Preliminary Risk
Assessment for Chlorpyrifos (Dursban) as it has been
published in the
federal registry.  The website is:


Be forewarned, it's long, techinical and complicated.  But
don't be
scared off, because, as long as you PUT THE DOCKET NUMBER ON
COMMENT, it will count."
Maybe it is time to quit debating among ourselves and talk to the rest of the world.

Kimberly Stoner
CT Agricultural Experiment Station
P.O. Box 1106
123 Huntington Street
New Haven, CT 06504