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Re: Mineral Content of Foods & humans eating meat

Did you just straight out ask for Agricultural Handbook #8?  That is the one,
the old one, that I am quite sure had an update. Sorry I can't remember it, but
ask some prof at some univ who is in a dept of nutrition--maybe Cornell.

Also the superfamous edible weed specialist, James Duke, has the set:
    CRC Handbook of Proximate analysis tables of higher plants, that goes along
with his CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs.

Greg & Lei Gunthorp wrote:

> Bargyla wrote:  what data source is usda not giving out? do you not have
> their manual that lists
> food content, the quite famous one, Handbook #  8 , I think it is.
> I contacted the USDA several months ago and asked if they had any sources
> that listed vitamin and mineral content of food in the '30's or '40's and
> now.  They asked why I wanted to know and transferred me several times
> (12-15 times, I'd have to check my notes to be sure) to several different
> departments.  Finally, I was given to a woman who didn't identify herself,
> was extremely rude, and told me that there is absolutely no information
> available that would suggest that the vitamin and mineral content in our
> food supply is lessening, that it is nothing more than a myth.
> As far as God not intending humans to eat meat, here are my thoughts:
> I read the Biblical quotes that Bargyla provided, and as is quite often the
> case with anything, I can see several different interpretations to them.
> When I look at the human body, specifically the dental structure and
> digestive system, I believe that our Creator had more in mind for us than a
> vegan diet.  There's only one way that we will find out what our Creator
> meant for us to feast upon, and I'm guessing that when it's my turn to meet
> my Maker, I'll have other things on my mind besides asking Him if I was
> supposed to eat meat or only veggies.
> Lei Gunthorp
> Pasture hog farmer, homemaker, farm wife & mother
> (in other words, an endangered species!)
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