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New: Holistic Management A Whole-Farm Decision Making Framework

Announcing this new web item from ATTRA.  

Holistic Management A Whole-Farm Decision Making Framework


This publication serves as an introduction to holistic management and 
provides resources for further information. Holistic Management is 
a decision making framework that assists farmers and others in  
establishing a long-term goal, a detailed financial plan, a 
biological plan for the landscape and a monitoring program to assess 
progress toward the goal. Holistic Management helps managers to ask 
the right questions and guides them in setting priorities. In 
holistic financial planning, profit is planned at the beginning of 
the year. This is in stark contrast to conventional financial 
planning where the net profit is often non-existent or a small amount 
left over once expenses are accounted for. 

The author is Preston Sullivan, agronomy specialist and Holistic
Management teacher. 

Here's another sampler, from the Introduction. 

Sustainable agriculture seeks in principle to "sustain" economic 
viability, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. 
These three tenets are to be embraced as one functional unit. 
Decisions concerning a sustainable agriculture should then enhance 
the environment and the farmer's economic situation and benefit the 
regional society. Holistic management gives us a way to move forward
on these three tenets. It gives us a way to design agriculture to 
truly mimic nature's principles of sustainability. It gives us a way 
to make decisions that automatically take into  account the society, 
the economics, and the environment before they are made. 
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas - ATTRA 

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