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websites re composting of wood chips, sawdust

>There is much more information about waste management and composting at the
>Cornell Waste Management Institute site.
  website:  www.jgpress.com
publishers of BIOCYCLE -Journal of Composting and Recycling, & COMPOST
-Science & Utilization
Compost maillist  -  Compost@compostingcouncil.org
This list is a free service provided by and for members of the US
Composting Council.  For full posting privelages, individuals can join
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By the way, much information about small-, mid-, and large-scale
vermicomposting systems will be presented at the Vermillennium, Sept.
16-22, 2000 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Anyone can email me for an
electronic or snail-mail Call for Abstracts which gives more details,
or you can check out the website at:

Mary Appelhof
Flowerfield Enterprises/Flower Press
10332 Shaver Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49024
616-327-0108  FAX 616-327-7009
email: mappelho@madison.tdsnet.com
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 13:10:59
From: "Bluestem Associates" <bluestem@webserf.net>
Subject: compostage ? [composting]

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 00:51:11 +0200
From: Salem Hayar <shayar@cyberia.net.lb>
Subject: compostage ?

This is a valid request, which I have taken the liberty of translating
and reforwarding to the list. If you can answer it, feel free to send
me the answer in English, and I will forward it to Salem translated
into French.


>Bonjour Ö tous,

[Hello, all]

>Je cherche de la bibliographie qui traite l'utilisation de la sciure de
>bois et sa valorisation dans le secteur agricole, mode et les processus de
>compostage ?

[I am looking for a bibliographie covering uses for sawdust, and its
value in agriculture. Presumably composting it would be one method of
processing it ? ]

>Existe -il un site Web dÇdicacÇ Ö ce sujet et qui expose le phÇnomäne de
>compostage de sciure de bois, broussaille des forets  ?

[Are there any websites dedicated to this topic, and which deal with
composting sawdust of forest brush ? ]

>Merci d'avance pour votre collaboration

[Thanks in advance for your help]

>Bien amicalement,

[In friendship]



Note a Salem ---

Essayez le site d'UNESCO, soit

ou France Bequette a deja traite ce sujet.

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Jessica Nelson
Research Assistant, Carbohydrate Economy
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
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