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Lawrence F. London, Jr.  Venaura Farm
intergarden.com  InterGarden
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
metalab.unc.edu/permaculture PermaSphere
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: Deja.com: Discussion Search Results
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Results for:  "alt.permaculture&quot

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1-25 of 712 matches
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Date Subject Forum Author
03/07/2000 Thanks, DocR alt.permaculture Susie Spies
03/07/2000 Re: Where are you ? alt.permaculture John Neale Bara
03/07/2000 Re: Where's Wibberley? alt.permaculture Myk Rushton
03/07/2000 Re: Where's Wibberley? alt.permaculture Myk Rushton
03/07/2000 Re: Garlic. was Re: Update alt.permaculture Peter Wibberley
03/07/2000 Re: Where's Wibberley? alt.permaculture Peter Wibberley
03/07/2000 Soil tasting. (was Re: Where alt.permaculture Heather
03/07/2000 Re: trying to get rid of the alt.permaculture Heather
03/06/2000 Re: Where are you ? alt.permaculture reedbed
03/05/2000 OT aurora australis alt.permaculture Mongolian Horde
03/05/2000 Re: Myk.jpg alt.permaculture DDilday239
03/05/2000 Re: Where are you ? alt.permaculture Lawrence F. Lon
03/05/2000 Re: Myk.jpg alt.permaculture Myk Rushton
03/05/2000 Re: Myk.jpg alt.permaculture Myk Rushton
03/05/2000 Re: Myk.jpg alt.permaculture pm
03/05/2000 Re: Myk.jpg alt.permaculture Myk Rushton
03/05/2000 Re: Where's Wibberley? alt.permaculture Peter Wibberley
03/05/2000 Re: Where's Wibberley? alt.permaculture Peter Wibberley
03/05/2000 Re: Myk.jpg alt.permaculture Peter Wibberley
03/05/2000 Re: Garlic. was Re: Update alt.permaculture Peter Wibberley
03/05/2000 Re: Where's Wibberley? alt.permaculture DDilday239
03/05/2000 Re: Q: taters in tires alt.permaculture DDilday239
03/05/2000 Re: Myk.jpg alt.permaculture reedbed
03/05/2000 Re: Where's Wibberley? alt.permaculture reedbed
03/03/2000 Re: Q: taters in tires alt.permaculture Webnb
1-25 of 712 matches
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