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A Modern Herbal - Word Search

Lawrence F. London, Jr.  Venaura Farm
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lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: A Modern Herbal - Word Search
Botanical.com  - A Modern Herbal, by Mrs. M. Grieve
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A search for "dog" (with parentheses), will return the herbs with - dog - in the text.

A search for dog (without parentheses), will return the herbs that have the words - dog, dogs, or dogwood - in the text.

If you want to see the herb name (i.e. Foxglove), in the returned search, do not check the "Search Text Only" box.

If the "Search Text Only" box is checked, you will only see the file names (i.e. foxglo30.html).

I recommend you read the Search Help. Very short.

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