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Life Saviors, Ecological Synergy -- Site Map and Really Big Table of Contents Page

Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
metalab.unc.edu/permaculture PermaSphere
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO
Title: Life Saviors, Ecological Synergy -- Site Map and Really Big Table of Contents Page

Links to LifeSaviors, Ecological Synergy Sites http://homepages.msn.com/VolunteerSt/lifesaviors/index.html ... http://www.efn.org/~lkuntz/ ... http://hometown.aol.com/LionKuntz/index.html ... http://home.talkcity.com/VolunteerSt/lifesaviors/index.html ... http://users2.50megs.com/lifesaviors/ ... http://users2.50megs.com/lifesaviors/wwwboard/index.html

You can access GOOGLE.COM database, and perform a Google Search from this page


searches.html is constantly changing lists of up to 10,000 links to references of personal subjects of interest.

Site Map
Really Big Table of Contents Page

This page describes all Life Saviors, Ecological Synergy linked pages and has links to view these connected pages. This abstracted material is kept here to reduce distraction from the main page narratives, which introduce the important concepts needed to begin to understand the global epidemic of mass species extinctions now under way. Please read that page for better overview of Life Saviors and Ecological Synergy Action Plan.

MAIN PAGE CONTENTS: [ Mass Extinctions Background Info ] [ Problems to Solve ] [ Action Plan ] [ Ecological Synergy ] [ Comparisons: Square Foot Gardening, Bio-Intensive, Permaculture, American Intensive, French Intensive, Organic ] [ Volunteer ] [ Author ] [ Ecological Synergy Documents Archived at other Sites: Sustainable Agriculture SANET Digest, DejaNews ] [ Religion, Materialist Science, and Ethics: Opinion ] [ Forum of Discussions ] [ Site Map and Really Big Contents Menu ] [ TOP ]

FORTHCOMING ADDITIONS: [ Technical Details ] [ Principles ] [ Original Theories ] [ Metaphysics ] [ Book Offer ]

SEARCH ENGINE Results Pages Edited for Author Convenience, as Lists of Links, and as Bookmarks Kept Online.

LIFE SAVIORS and ECOLOGICAL SYNERGY pages are stored on internet server harddrive space donated by various individuals and corporations. As free entities any of these servers may change their policy at any time without notice. Therefore these pages and links can cease existence form any website address at any moment. Mirror-sites, or copies of information is stored on several of these sites to protect against sudden unexpected closures by any particular server.

Over time Life Saviors (real people who make their independent commitment to saving species through this cooperative effort) will have its own "domain name" as LifeSaviors.org or LifeSaviors.net on its own computer servers at Morning Star Institute of Ecological Synergy. The pages described here will fully inform you the reader of the steps which could lead to that secure situation along the path of organizing to save biodiversity.

On each of the websites is a main gateway page, called index.html which has many links to many pages. Some of the sites are updated more often than others. In March Y2K the most up-to-date site is http://homepages.msn.com/VolunteerSt/lifesaviors/index.html. Hopefully in February or March Y2K, http://www.nav.to/lifesaviors might be an easier to type alternative for accessing the main gateway page.

At this tme all pages are text only, without drawings or photographs. There are still about 3 megabytes of text information, composing the equal to a small book, already online available to read.

The gateway page links to other pages at the same site, and has connecting links pages with large tables of links which connect to many more pages held by others on other webstes. There are many hundreds of pages linked to through the gateway page.

ON THIS SITE: -------------------------------------------------

index.htm = the gateway page or Main Page of Life Saviors story

author1.html = introduction to the author of the pages on this Life Saviors website.

lionlynx.html = Several years of postings to various newsgroups and sustainable agriculture lists have produced a history of consistant thoughts and activist efforts to promote Ecological Synergy and environmental ethics. This page is a list of links to where some of those writings are archived and stored throughout the internet. As can be seen, this is no one-day flash-in-the-pan, but a lifetime commitment to leave a better world than the one we found when we got here.

intro1.html = "Nuts & Bolts" of Ecological Synergy elements, concepts, methods, and technologies. This is expanded information from the main gateway page brief discussion.

ecosyn2.html = more information about Ecological Synergy restating the gateway page, or another presentation of the same essential facts. This page was originally published to SANET sustainable agriculture email list, and on USENET newsgroups.

ecosyn3.html = Connecting Ecological Synergy to issues of conservation and species extinctions.

institut.html Morning Star Institute Of Ecological Synergy is envisioned as a lteaching institution, repository of increasing knowledge, research and experimentation farm, genebank, library, and holder of patents and trademarks.

lionfarm.html = Lion of Morningstar Farms is a complimentary strategy to rapidly develop a network of Life Saviors. It is part of the ACTION PLAN on the main page. Its companion institution is Morningstar Institute of Ecological Synergy.

ethics1.html = personal opinion about the ethical implications of taking great risks with the environment doing "biohazard level four" testing outdoors of unknown implications genetic modifications experiments.

transition.html = a lengthy document of suggestion for possible transition to Ecological Synergy high-yield organic nature farming systems.

comparisons.html = a discussion of the comparative qualities of several popular small-farm/garden high-yield systems, including MOA Nature Farming, Organic Regenerative Farming, Square-Foot Gardening, American Intensive, Biointensive, and Permaculture, in relation to Ecological Synergy.

For some website references links to these various subjects discussed, here are results from some quick (lightly edited) GOOGLE.COM search engine results.

American Intentive System

Biointensive System

More Biointensive

And More Biointensive

Still More Biointensive

Square-Foot Gardening

http://users2.50megs.com/lifesaviors/wwwboard/index.html - Go to the ECOLOGICAL SYNERGY MESSAGES FORUM. A place to post messages and read comments by others. As of February Y2K it has not been used much. By comparison 40 new messages daily arrive in my email inbox from the "market-garden" email list (which is inconvenient, and the reason the message forum exists outside my email inbox.)

links1.html = My really big list of SIXTH EXTINCTION links to information, articles, conservation groups, and lists of additional pages of links compiled by other concerned people (Life Saviors by any other name).

http://www.well.com/user/davidu/extinction.html -- Go to the background briefing on mass extinctions in history = another activist's page of links. Many useful informative links included on my extinctions links page were first found here, and than later my links page was greatly expanded from these suggestions. Because websites blink on and off like christmas lights, it is useful to the concerned public that links to this information be stored on several different sites.

failure.html = Failure is defined differently by Life Saviors. Even if your garden or small farm is very productive, but you do not have surplus time or money to invest in species rescue or habitat conservation you have not succeeded. Read this document to get clear that Ecological Synergy is more than a livelihood, or just another way for farmers to make more bucks.

http://homepages.msn.com/VolunteerSt/lifesaviors/help_wanted.html = Help Wanted, Volunteers, to become Founding Directors of these organizations described on this collection of pages. This is a concise short page description of the immediate help wanted, with links to other pages for more details as desired or needed.

http://homepages.msn.com/VolunteerSt/lifesaviors/help_wanted.html = Proposal for a CONSUMER SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE (sometimes called "Community Supported Agriculture, or for short CSA) farm in Sonoma County, California, to be established by board of directors who step forward to volunteer.

http://homepages.msn.com/VolunteerSt/lifesaviors/directors.html = More detailed information of DIRECTORS commitment, and predictions of the road ahead for volunteers who might be considering what they are willing to give of themselves.

http://homepages.msn.com/VolunteerSt/lifesaviors/synergy1.html = Ecological Synergy Homepage, without Life Saviors emphasis, for discussion with farm-savvy growers the merits of Eco-Syn without diversion of focus to urgent global epidemic problem of Mass Extinctions. This page has links to Life Saviors, but is not linked from Life Saviors pages.