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Organic farming & pesticide risk reduction

On the topic of organic farming and pesticide risk reduction, 
I draw your attention to the following article that first appeared 
in Pesticides News No. 40, June 1998.

Organic farming worldwide -  A 100% pesticide risk reduction 
Pesticides News No 40

Edited version of a keynote address by Bernward Geier, of the 
International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM), 
at the International Conference on Pesticide Use in Developing 
Countries held in February 1998 in Costa Rica. 

Also see online fact sheets for Active Ingredients:

aldicarb, benomyl, carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, 2,4-D,
DDT, dichlorvos, dicofol,  EBDCs, glufosinate ammonium, endocrine
disrupting pesticides, glyphosate, lindane, methyl parathion,
monocrotophos, organophosphates, paraquat, tridemorph 

Also see online fact sheets for Pests in the Home:

Flea control - least toxic options, fact sheet No.1
Wasp control - least toxic options, fact sheet No.2
Least toxic control for house dust mite, fact sheet No.3
Least toxic timber treatment, fact sheet No.4
Cockroach control - least toxic treatment, fact sheet No.5
Head lice control - least toxic options, fact sheet No.6
Rodents - least toxic control, fact sheet No.7

Also see: 

Cotton production: organic and conventional
Recent articles taken from Pesticides News

Sustainable agriculture, organic and integrated pest management
Recent articles taken from Pesticides News

All this from...  

Pesticides News 
The Journal of the Pesticides Trust


Pesticide Action Network UK

Tha's a good article by Bernward Geier.  

Steve Diver 

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