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Food and politics...


A friend of mine has been travelling in Africa...where, as elsewhere,
it appears that food and politics are inseparable.  On a train into

"Since transport and refrigeration is a problem, train and bus
rides are a combination of getting where you want to go and
shopping along the way. We rode through mango, tomato and onion
growing areas and people bought huge quantities of them.
At one point, something crashed out the window and it turned
out the police were on the train and throwing some bags of
mangos out the window. The man in our section said they did
not allow people to buy more than one (trying to control the
export), but in our car only bags blocking the aisle were
thrown out the window. Still, it was very sad/strange to
see useful food being thrown out the window."

John Schinnerer, MA
- Eco-Living -
Cultural & Ecological Designing
Food - Shelter - Community

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