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yield and aid

George, I won't deny that I am talking about organizations, many of which, but
certainly not all, are well fed.  For that you are right.

But in the case of people in harsh situations, I still would have to
disagree-- My experience is from africa, where I visited over 25 NGO projects
in over 11 countries.  There. where people are extra desperate, and livingin
very difficult situations, people stick to what they know and what they are
100% sure will (almost work). There is no lkuxury to fall back upon if a new
system fails.

People tried the green revolution, the hybrid seeds, the fertilizer. That
failed.  Many don't want to make another risk to try a new system because they
percieve the first "adi" effort to have failed them.  Therefore, people are
loathe to try new situations, unless there is convincing evidence. Personally,
I am thankful that people are sceptical and question the "authorities (mostly
white first world males).  This is healthy.

Additionally I would take issue with the cuba example-- this is a dictorial
government that decided to switch to organics, and the people followed.  By
most of our standards this is a good thing, but I would be willing to contend
that the cuban government (which certainly more right on than ours) is not
necessairly a good representation of the people.  It is an authoritarian
government that for once took the lead in the right direction during a harsh

When working with small farmers on a one to one basis rather than under a
government sponsored programme, it is more difficult to convince people to try
new methods.

I hope that was clear.  Anyhow, I am please to see people thinking about these