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Re: Pc slammed in Whole Earth Review

hi allan:

> Maria Thun has her records and her opinions but she has nothing that
> can actually be called scientific proof.

she always runs parallel tests that are not homeosprayed and/or sprayed with
different sprays and/or sprayed on different days, and keeps yield records.
so for every yield (n kg/square sprayed  wirh y in year z) there is a test
sample (n-2 kg not sprayed with y in year z) - and the test patsches lie in
close vicinity. so while the results (yield per square) might be
irreproducable due to her prime location (what about the other 2?), it still
is valuable data because the unsprayed stuff also was grown in her valley of
the 7 magic mountains or wherever she grew the other stuff.

if this isnt it i did not understand what sort of data you look for. or do
you mean, testfarmers are not supposed to farm in valleys?
