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Re: permaculture-online.com: anyone interested in using this domain for their group's website?

I could promise not to resell it but whether I could make good use of it is
another question. I think not. I'm quite happy with
http://www.ibiblio.org/permaculture-online/index.html as our little
alt.permaculture site and have hardly time to do the work on it that I would
like to do. One of the institutes could in all likelyhood make better use of the
Thanks for asking.
And a very happy new year to you.


"Lawrence F. London, Jr." wrote:
> Had forgotten about it but it appears that I may own this domain, for
> a little while longer, that is, unless current ownership is renewed.
> Is there anyone on the list who needs this domain and will make good
> use of it (not resell it for $$)? If currnet ownership is not renewed
> this mid-March it will become available to anyone -
> I can opt to not renew it and prospective new owner can get dibs on it
> early on.  Let me know if anyone wants it. Ute?
> LL
> L.F.London ICQ#27930345 lflondon@mindspring.com
> http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech  london@ibiblio.org
> ---
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