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Re: Plant DB - data & user friendly

Hints are right, but don't put in a filter depending on the user's
loacation. I am sitting in cold Germany but I am searching the web for
plants for west Africa (it is cheaper to do the web searches here, and then
I can mail results to Cameroon). All the information must be available for
everybody. Allow the user to enter search criterea (tropical, temperate
etc.) but don't make the DB more intelligent than the user wants.


> Suggestions to help it become user friendly: think global - have a box
> asking for the user's location (country or hemisphere) on entry to the
> DB so that data for seasons and planting guides will show the proper
> month and season relevant to the user. We never know if the guide that
> we are using is northern hemisphere or southern.  Also, if they enter
> a specific location, the DB would also reveal whether the user is
> temperate, tropical or whatever, and that may also act as a filter for
> displaying planting guides, relevant plant types, and other data. The
> user location box is a good way for the user to filter relevant data.