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Re: Listmember's Ecologies

Sorry, I'm not Lee Flyer.  I'm a different Lee

>Could not agree with you more!
>On Thu, 13 December 2001, "Lee Flier" wrote:
>> All right, THAT DOES IT!!!
>> I've been mostly lurking around here lately, and haven't had too much time
>> to read the discussions fully although what I've read has been
>> interesting... but all this politically correct crap is just too much, and
>> in fact it is one reason why I've been increasingly disgusted with the
>> permaculture crowd and environmentalists in general, even though I am one -
>> nobody is allowed to have a freaking sense of humor anymore!  You can't say
>> anything even in jest without somebody getting their panties all in a wad.
>> I'm a very sensitive person, and I hate stereotypes more than almost
>> anything, but humor like this doesn't do anything to "perpetuate"
>> stereotypes. If anything, poking fun at a stereotype can help to break it
>> down.  How can people ever become close if they can't laugh together,
>> including about sensitive issues?  Sorry, I thought the Afghan TV Guide was
>> hysterical, and Gene's post was funny too, and I did not take them to be
>> reflections of what the posters actually think of Afghans or women.
>> And even if I didn't think the posts were funny I'd just hit the delete key
>> and leave it at that, rather than tell others what is appropriate to think
>> and say.  Will the Thought Police please give it a rest?
>> Oh, and by the way, I'm a woman, so I get the last word. :-)
>> --Lee
>> > Gene, although you signed off as "having fun," I
>> > I do not see genderism as a good reason for the
>> > purported humour above. With these comments you
>> > perpetuate institutionalized gender roles of
>> > heterosexual monogamy that people have been
>> > working to eliminate for decades and longer.
>> >
>> > An analogy can be made between this joke and the
>> > Afghan joke--forums better than a pc-list can be
>> > found for these examples of cultural ignorance.
>> >
>> > Sean
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