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Re: Genderisms

Dear Sean,

In order that I do not tread on any toes when it comes to humour, would you please give us an actual example of a joke which not offend anybody at all. (If you achieve this, I'll send you £10)

Wish you the best of luck.


On Fri, 14 December 2001, "S.K. Harrison" wrote:

> > From: "Lee Flier" <lflier@mindspring.com>
> <snip>
> > You can't say anything
> > even in jest without somebody getting their
> > panties all in a wad. I'm a very sensitive
> > person, and I hate stereotypes more than almost
> > anything, but humor like this doesn't do
> > anything to "perpetuate" stereotypes. If
> > anything, poking fun at a stereotype can help
> > to break it down.  How can people ever become
> > close if they can't laugh together, including
> > about sensitive issues?
> Please see my post to Gene in this thread, re
> tact and the diverse politics of our
> community-at-large. I address the issues you
> raise here.
> In summary, however, we can laugh together fine
> without having to resort to limited forms of
> humour that fail to acknowledge the wild
> diversity of permaculturists and people in
> general (men, women, the intersexed and
> bigendered, yuppies, hippies, techies, luddites,
> monogamists, polyamorists, gay, bi, straight,
> etc). Such acknowledgement does take more work
> and consideration, but I'll bet the results would
> prove worth the effort, both in learning about
> others, and in sharing a laugh with such
> different folks.
> > And even if I didn't think the posts were funny
> > I'd just hit the delete key and leave it at
> > that, rather than tell others what is
> > appropriate to think and say.  Will the Thought
> > Police please give it a rest?
> Lay off the ad hominems. I expressed my opinion.
> I do not have the power to restrict anything on
> this list. You can post whatever you want, but I
> will speak out when I consider it necessary.
> Sean
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