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Re: PC online DB


> Good point, but if those who have online access will collect and
> disseminate to those without online access - acquire and tailor
> bodies of information, port it to paper, cd, or any other
> media/multimedia and give it away or sell it for price of cost
> recovery, the gap will have begun to be bridged.

Thus my earlier question about how to increase accessibility of info
gathered for any computerized DB project.  Holistic portability to
written and oral culture needs to be designed into the DB if we are
serious about this aspect of it, and I don't think that designing will
be trivial.  Most DBs are designed for computerized consumers, and are
very poor at producing complex and representative printed output.  I
say printed because I favor the lowest common denominators - written
and oral presentation - before all other ports.  One or the other is
accessible to everyone except those with such diffabilities (different
abilities) as require someone to read or tell or sign the story to

Toby's take on remembering stories, myths, rhymes, etc. is a good one. 
I suspect that they exist, and have for thousands of years, because
they are a highly efficient way (perhaps the highest - after all,
they've had a long time to "evolve") for us to codify, retain and pass
on our various understandings.  "Chunking" is just a re-discovery of
ancient methods...

John Schinnerer, MA
- Eco-Living -
Cultural & Ecological Designing
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