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Re: Sustainable Urban Food Systems

Jeff:   what group is that & where precisely is the land that they bought?  mIEKAL

Foss _ wrote:

> Hello Marco,
> Just recently, here in Madison Wisconsin, a group has purchased 5 acres
> within the city limits.  They intend on producing vegetables to supply 25
> member CSA, production starting next year.  I not sure how sustainable they
> plan on being, but at least I believe it will be using orgainic growing
> methods.  I havn't been following the developments quite as closly as I
> should have. I have heard some parts of the garden will also be designated
> for children's plot and another plot be for the Loatian/Vietmaniese farming
> community. I will be getting more involved now since my market season has
> ended and can send some more specifics at a later day or if you would like
> some contact names please let me know, I can get them to you.