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pc in kabul

Brief update from the transcontinental permie seed swap I'm a part of. Two
nights ago, I found myself part of a live roundtable discussion on
community television out of Ashland in southern Oregon. Turns out that one
of the four panelists was a professional arborist, who happens to be both
Moslem, and Persian. A most cultured fellow and a strongish connection, to
put it mildly. The gent was familiar with the turf in the Afghanistan
neighborhood, indeed he's currently involved in an effort to get supplies
into the country - as of last week, made illegal Stateside, of course, but
he's still pressing on.

It transpired that one of the cameramen that evening (when he ain't
helping out the local indymedia crowd) is also one of the more active
permies in southern Oregon - and he just happened to have some interesting
observations to share about a recent backpacking trip in, whaddaya know,
northern Pakistan.

Anybody got any suggestions about high altitude apricot guilding?


"I want to show the world how beautiful they are, these people from the
hills and then I want to proclaim, 'Show me, if you can, any gentler, more
courteous, more cultured people than these.'" - Badshah Khan, Pathan,
nonviolent soldier of Islam.