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horseradish (was: Re: Cold Antidotes besides garlic

> worked on the Horseradish processing line for 18 years and NEVER has a
> cold.

dunno about horseradish as a preventive, but being european i am familiar
with treating all sorts of things with stuffed head (cold, sinusitis, etc)
with horseradish - dont even need to eat it (though this is good for
prolonged relief), just sniff it - but be careful! might otherwise feel as
if it burns your brains out. and swooosh - head is free and open again!

and the stuff grows like a weed, can be grown next to everywhere, and is so
perennial you will never again get rid of it; spring-growth is nice and
pungent in salads, it feeds butterly-worms (for beauty) and snails (for
beauty, food and preying on slug-eggs), and it is said to make i good
companion for potatoes (on the corners of the patch), though i havent tried
this one.

my favorit horseradish recipe in spring is: lettuce or other leafy salad,
hardboiled eggs in quarters, and a pretty greasy dressing (mayo is nice)
with loads of finely grated horesradish - and dont forget to serve it with
real bread and a big handkerchief, for it will make everyones nose run

and my favorite for wintertime: get some medium bread (neither the airy
stuff nor kind with unground kernels in it), best if a bit stale, and fry it
in oil till brown and crisp - and then rub peeled garlic gloves on one or
both sides (it is like a file, making rubing easy), to make it as hot as you
enjoy it. goes nice with all sorts of salads or vegies. - well, wasnt about
horesradish, but is nice and healthy anyways.

happy growing