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pc in Kabul

Have been mulling over the pc in Afghanistan topic since the first posting
and I've been talking things over with some permie friend, and consensus
seems to be that Afghanistan is ripe for permaculture. Women seem
especially supportive of the idea.

So, I'm gonna try and get resources/a team into Kabul. I've begun
collecting seed, but could do with more in the way of details about both
seed needs/climate and suchlike. I'm just about to take off on a
seedswapping expedition through the southern states (timetable at:
www.calsnet.net/pilgrimage) so if you wanna get together en route to pass
along tidbits of seed/counsel or whatever, please look me up.

I'm somewhat networked in that part of Asia, and I'm working an angle or
two. Could always do with more in the way of support, though. Do we know
of any permies in that part of the world who may have counsel to share? Or
in any other bioregions with not dissimilar ecologies?

Plant peace,
