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Re: [Fwd: help, taking care of the earth is becoming illegal!]

I am gland we do not have that kind of problem in the "third world"

Brent Ladd wrote:

> A case in West Lafayette, IN I know 10 years ago of city lot in "professorville" near
> university where a woman was allowing her yard/landscape to become more natural.
> Neighbors complained and I believe were using the county officials, etc to file
> complaints-argument was decreased property values. The woman approached a friend in
> the Forestry Dept and I believe was able to get her place certified as a nature
> preserve or something to that effect. Anyway, she used the "system" to her advantage
> and she is still living there and her place is just as natural looking today so it
> must have worked.
> Perhaps looking into your county, state, or country opportunities on things such as
> certified forest, nature preserves, conservation easements, etc may help provide a
> legal shield from the chem-lawn lovers.
> Brent
> permed@nor.com.au wrote:
> > >I just became aware of someone who is being sued (in the state of
> > >Tennessee)
> > >by her neighbors for "devaluation of their land" because this person has
> > >developed an "edible landscape" on her property.
> >
> > This is incredible - there was a case in the early '90's of a front yard
> > food forest in suburban Brisbane, the owner arrived home one day to find
> > council had been in with a bulldozer and completely cleared it away - the
> > neighbours had complained to Council that 'you can't see the house from
> > the street & it may be harbouring vermin'!
> > Robyn
> >
> > Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre
> > home to:
> > Permaculture Education
> > ERDA Institute Trust
> > Nimbin Eco-Village Project Office
> > Robyn Francis - permaculture designer & educator
> > PO Box 379, Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia
> > Ph 02-6689 1755 Fax 02-6689 1225
> > permed@nor.com.au  www.earthwise.org.au
> >
> > ---
> > You are currently subscribed to permaculture as: laddb@ecn.purdue.edu
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> --
> Brent Ladd
> Water Quality Specialist, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
> Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146
> Ph: 765-496-6331  Fax: 765-496-1356
> Email: laddb@ecn.purdue.edu
> Safe Water for the Future Web Site: www.ecn.purdue.edu/safewater
> "If there is magic on this planet it is surely found in the spirit of water"-Loren
> Eiseley
> ---
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