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Re: Just a few holes in the Permaculture suit?


no i've never used a spiral, never used keyholes and don't know what a 
mandala garden is. yet i had herbs a plenty near the kitchen door and had 
raised garden beds that didn't need to be walked on.

i attended a 2 day tafe intro to pc course paid $78aud (a lot of money for a 
pensioner) but i wanted to find out about pc you see i was already growing 
organicaly using companion plants and making use of predatory bugs and 
birds. at the end of 2 days i had been told all the things i was already 

ok i didn't have chooks in my system, but we recycled all green matter along 
with paper and kitchen scraps, we cut our rubbish bin load down from full to 
over flowing to an amount that would need to be collected 2 or 3 times a 

i've met people who will have nothing to do with pc because as they say "you 
need to do an expensive design course to be doing pc", as the organic 
gardeners say just join the club and we'll lead you through the organic 
experience. the club fee is paltry compared to pc courses.

if we don't make pc accessable to the human race how can pc change things? 
it can't as it will only ever belong to those select few.

just recently a pc group in nsw was holding a seminar on a reed bed design 
that has been accepted by local aussie councils, now understandably i 
couldn't/can't attend for a variety of reasons. so i took to asking them if 
they could give me info so that i could use it in my application to my local 

you can guess what happened nothing no info and they didn't even return my 
e/mails. for me those who are in pc to make money should pull up their pegs 
and get out.

my best source for helpful pc people is the news group at least they all 
seem doen to earth and concerned.

i apologise if i offend but these are my opinions


it works for me it could work for you

"in the end ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do!!"
but consider others and the environment.

>From: "Neil Barraclough" <neilb@vic.australis.com.au>

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