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Re: Eco-Village Course 2001

Design for Eco-Villages
& Sustainable Communities
Mon 20-Sat 25  August, 2001
with Peter Cuming, Robyn Francis
Guests include Robert Rosen, Wroth Wall, Wendy Sarkissian and others
This course brings together key people working on the cutting edge of sustainable solutions in planning, social and environmental design, and community development.

Conducted in Nimbin at Djanbung Gardens PEC, next door to Jarlanbah and new Nimbin Eco-village sites. Nimbin is a social and economic centre for over 40 intentional communities and home to an ever evolving social experiment involving the wider community in taking affirmative action to solve its problems and shape its future.

The NSW North Coast is rich with innovative community and ESD (Ecologically Sustainable Development)  iniatives, not only within the alternate movement but with wider community action, and on a local and regional government level. Through this course you can tap into this unique wealth of experience of the tutors and the living examples in this special bioregion.

Cost: $660-$440 (sliding scale waged-conc) includes tuition, course notes & lunches
NB: Arrange your own accommodation - contact Djanbung Gardens for details

This course explores creative solutions for sustainable community development through holistic planning and community cooperation to design new and revitalise existing urban and rural communities based on permaculture and the principles of ecological and social sustainability.

Develop the tools and skills to translate dreams into reality, clarify your vision and goals, identify pathways and develop strategies in partnership with people and  nature in creating vibrant communities.

Course topics include:
- Local to Global Perspectives on ESD (Ecologically Sustainable Development)
- Bioregional planning, natural, social & services catchments, land ownership and settlement patterns
- Working with and influencing state and local governments, planning laws and frameworks
- Land tenure options, residents agreements, community resource management and by-laws
- Social, legal, economic and environmental parameters in design
- Working with spirit of place and fostering sense of place
- Design for the full human life-cycle & diverse lifestyle needs
- Practical and wholistic approach to settlement types & forms: Co-housing, expanded houses, hamlet, urban and rural village design, building new & retrofitting existing communities
- Innovative options for services & technologies from  household to community  scale
- Facilitating participatory community consultation, problem solving and design
- Decision-making processes, conflict resolution and mediation

Robyn Francis; visionary  international permaculture designer and educator has been involved in intentional community issues since the late 1970šs with grass-roots communities, local councils, government departments and private clients on community planning & settlement projects including the design of Jarlanbah Permaculture Hamlet and the new Nimbin Eco-Village project.
Peter Cuming,Sustainable Futures, permaculture designer, environmental planner & facilitator, Peter has worked extensively  in NSW, Qld and WA for the past 15 years with local councils, government departments, intentional communities & private clients in a wide range of projects including community titles, planning policy development, rural and urban planning, & community consultation.

Robyn and Peter draw upon a wealth of practical experience  as individuals and as a team  including their development of a new ESD Rural Settlement planning policy for the NSW Dept of Planning which received State & National Planning Awards.

Guest presenters will include
WROTH WALL: solicitor, shares 15 years experience & specialist knowledge on legal structures, land tenure and resident agreements for communities
ROBERT ROSENn: one of Australiašs leading authoroties on ethica investment and community economics with a strong interest in creating affordable housing & developing appropriate economic strategies
WENDY SARKISSIAN:  innovative social planner now based in Brisbane

Registration details contact Erda Institute - Permaculture Education

Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre
home to:
Permaculture Education
ERDA Institute Trust
Nimbin Eco-Village Project Office
Robyn Francis - permaculture designer & educator
PO Box 379, Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia
Ph 02-6689 1755 Fax 02-6689 1225
permed@nor.com.au  www.earthwise.org.au