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Re: edible landscape demo


Brook's point on Village Homes is a great starting point. I am finally
finishing a book about the design process of Villages Homes called,
DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES availiable through Island Press. It is
a great book and seems like it would really speak to some of the issues
you are working on. Hope that is helpful,
Kevin Snorf

Brook Le Van wrote:
> Carol,  A well known development begun in the early 1970's in Davis,
> California, USA  "Village Homes" featured among other green design
> strategies - an edible landscape.  This whole systems approach to
> development has proven itself on numerous levels in the Davis area and
> is
> currently being replicated.  I would not be surprised if the city has
> recognized the benefits of what Village Homes has demonstrated and
> integrated them into city planning?  You would have to go to Davis' city
> files or maybe get luck on the web?  Check out:
> http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC35/Browning.htm  for starters.  Then
> search
> for Davis city site to inquire?
> Great thesis and Good luck.
> Best,  Brook Le Van,  Co-director,  Sustainable Settings

> Keith Johnson wrote:
> > Here is a question whose answer would make a good story for the
> > Activist. Any information out there for Carol?
> > Keith
> >