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[Fwd: Crops from street trees]

Here is a question whose answer would make a good story for the
Activist. Any information out there for Carol?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Crops from street trees
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 21:40:36 +1300
From: "Carol Stewart" <tayste@clear.net.nz>


I am halfway through a Masters of Planning Practice degree at Auckland
University.  As part of our course we conduct a research project of our
choice on a planning issue.  My topic will look at the issues
the use of fruit and nut trees for amenity plantings in the Auckland
Region.  In particular I will be concentrating on street trees.

Do you know of any communities where there has been a policy to plant
street trees which produce edible crops (any where in the world)?  I am
interested to find instances where this has happened, what has been
and how successful the projects have been.

If you could help me, or give me the names of any contacts who could
me, I would appreciate it.




Carol Stewart
25 Goring Road
Auckland 1003
New Zealand

Tel.  +64 9 846 8640