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Re: sustainable education

>Would someone please refer me to a list of schools that offer
>> > undergrad B.A.'s in sustainable/alternative/organic agriculture. No
>> > workshops or environmental studies that happen to involve agriculture,
The Q about whether it is indeed sustainable to teach/learn ag in the U 
aside, (I mean, how did we get to the present (and they call it a 
I believe an important question to ask is *where on Earth do you want to 
be?* And then look for  schools in similar climates, and then evaluate 
the program options. 
(one of my #1 gripes about cyber communication is that unless someone 
makes the effort to characterize themself,  there's no postmark, accent 
to the English, inflection to the speech, whatever; all the subtleties of 
language and cues to place are gone- lack of meaning leads to bad 