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Re: Microwaved food

as far as I can recall from some articles some years ago,
there had been done 3 "serious" scientifical researches on microwavs ovens.
One swiss scientist wrote a report after some research: he discovered that after
ingesting microwaved food, the blood structure changed and showed characteristics that
you find in early stage of cancer...
he was squeezed out of his position in research by important electrical industry
lobbies: no money, no right to publish, no right to research to afine and pursue the
research. (it is said that it ended in European Court, and he won back the right of
publishing  as a  right of free expression)
I read about two other research, one financed by the industry that did not find any
harm in microwave and an other one that was neutral. at that time it was recommanded
though not to warm up milk for babies (just in case)
actually the high energy microwaves change the quality og long protein chains making
them less valuable as nutrients or harmfull. (meaning that microwaved ingredients are
no more suitable as food)
IMHO there is a  more need for further research.
It seems to be common in bio.labs to use microwave ovens to sterilize equipment, that
is kill all possible life-
i do not like the idea of eating dead food, as I see food as the essential support of
the life of my body:
feed life with life
other stories from some consumer report on the ovens showed that  a very large
majority of those did not comply external radiation limitation, the leaking is also
radiating outside the box, that means exposing you and your brain (as those ovens are
often placed high) to those deadly radiations....
Microwave ovens participate too to the fast food, stressed model of society...
prepare food with love
as mentionned by some one, many nutritionnist (from the alternative schools:
macrobiotic etc.. will tell you that the food remembers how it is warmed up, and
microwaves are nothing good to forward your stomach...
I keep off the micro wave

bon apetit
