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Cover crop seeds


                 I was looking at various sites on green manures and cover
crops. While looking over the list of pro's and con's I noticed that one of
the few con's was the cost of seed. It seems like this would be easy to
rectify. . . just let a suitable amount of land planted in the cover go to
seed, then harvest. I thought about it a little longer and realized that my
views might be greatly oversimplified. For example, certain planting rates
would produce more biomass, and others more seed. Some green manures have a
vining and therefore lodging tendency-- they might need carefully seeded
nurse crops to produce easily machine harvested seeds. Some legumes would
benefit from pollination by honeybees or other insects. 
                Does anyone know of a web resource that has production rates
per acre of typical cover crop/ green manure seed, and what techniques/
equipment would be required for successful production? I would really
appreciate this for future reference. Your own thoroughly described
experiences and discourse would be much more valuable.
