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Re: Tibetan Centre-India wants PC

Robin,  I couldn't find the request in this letter.  What do they need?

At 08:39 AM 11/27/00 +1100, you wrote:
>A PDC graduate, Ingrid, sent me this request - I'm circulating it hoping
>there's the right person out there somewhere...
>   Tenzin Palmo was born during world war 2 in London. She became a
>Tibetan Buddhist nun when she was 18 (or young anyway). At one stage she
>spent 12 years in solitary meditation in the Himalayas. I have only heard
>her speak once on the radio in an interview, and then I heard her speak
>at the Theosophical society where I was running the shop book stall.Quite
>a remarkable person. If you put Tenzin Palmo into an internet browser,
>you'll find a website which has details about the Nunnery. Tenzin Palmo
>dislikes publicity and crowds, (I supose that reflects on her ability to
>be alone for 12 years!),but in the course of setting up the Nunnery, has
>been on a lecture tour in the last few months and has come to terms with
>having a website based on her name. The long and short of all this is
>that she seems to be a woman of integrity.
>     Monica Joyce is the Project Director for setting up the Nunnery. She
>left a fairly high position with Random House publishers in order to help
>Tenzin in this task. SHe does live in Australia some of the time, but for
>the most of the year is in northern India. As you would probably summise,
>contact with northern India phone and net wise is much slower than what
>we know here, and although post gets through fairly reliably (so Monica
>said), it too is pretty slow.
>     If you pass on Monicas details to whoever, it could be helpful to
>remind her of "the conversation with Ingrid at Adyar" so that she has
>some idea of how the individual/group came to have her contact details.
>Shes had so much on her plate with the tour that she might be nonplussed
>to suddenly be contacted out of the blue by Permaculture people she's
>never heard of.
>Contact details for Monica Joyce:
>Email for Monica and Tenzin Palmo:  monicajoyce@hotmail.com
>Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery
>Tashi Jong
>P.O. Taragarh
>Distt Kangra HP 176 081
>Phone +91 1894 62617
>address in Australia:
>7a Tessa St,
>Chatswood, 2067 NSW
>+61 2 9419 2096  ph
>+61 2 9419 2092  fax
>Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre
>home to:
>Permaculture Education
>ERDA Institute Trust
>Nimbin Eco-Village Project Office
>Robyn Francis - permaculture designer & educator
>PO Box 379, Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia
>permed@nor.com.au  www.earthwise.org.au
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